Oleg Deripaska: Metals Mogul

Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska


On a Sunday afternoon in January, Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska gets ready to leave his sprawling mansion in Zhukovka, a wealthy suburb of Moscow where his neighbors
include President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. His children,

Pyotr, 9, and Marusia, 7, burst in the door, greet their father and run happily down the long hallway. His wife, Polina, who is publisher of the Russian edition of the magazine Hello!, prepares to welcome guests for a party celebrating the Russian Orthodox New Year.

As snow crunches underfoot, Deripaska, who heads Moscow-based aluminum producer United Co. Rusal, walks around his compound. The estate is surrounded by a 14-foot- (4-meter-) high brick wall patrolled by beefy security guards.

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