Trump’s Indonesian Partner Thought This Would Be More Fun

Hary Tanoesoedibjo

Like a certain number of tycoons, including the one whose association he has most eagerly sought, Hary Tanoesoedibjo has lined his office with pictures, paintings, and cartoons of himself. On one side of the room, on a high floor of his tower in downtown Jakarta, a television blares one of the news channels he owns. Across the way, on a bookshelf, is a Make America Great Again cap signed by that other tycoon, U.S. President Donald Trump. Between a pair of brown leather chairs is a wooden table displaying a single photo—almost like a shrine—of Tanoesoedibjo with his wife, Liliana, and Trump, who signed it with the note, “Hary — You are my great friend. Thanks for your support. I’ll not forget — Best Wishes, Donald.”

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